How to Become a Popular Blogger and Improve the Popularity for Your Personal Blog
Becoming a popular blogger is an important premise to make your blog post searchable in the vase internet sea. Improving the popularity of blog can increase your blog traffic such that the readers can find out your blog easily. There are so many ways to win the popularity for your blog, among which the following points are believed to be of the highest importance.
How to Become a Popular Blogger
To get access to a popular blogger, you should be:
1. dedicated; 2. speculative; 3. original; 4. creative; 5. persistent
With the key spirits mentioned above, you are on the way to become a popular blogger on the premise of at least doing the following things well:
- Write more, write well
- Improve your writing skill, enrich your writing content
- Make your blog highly-weighted
- Balance the weight and the traffic
- Adopt reciprocal visits, links exchange and mutual recommendation
2 More Options to Make You a Popular Blogger
There are 2 more options to win the popularity for your blog, which are always proved to be indispensable and efficient:
- Conduct beneficial activities frequently:
Beneficial behavior for your blog followers is a more direct and effective way to make you become a popular blogger successfully and quickly. Launching a giveaway for your blog readers with the products donated by some companies is accessible. For example, a software company is sponsoring a Blog Giveaway Offer for any blog owner wishing to become a popular blogger.
This course will benefit three parties in the same time:
Blogger: free launch a giveaway which helps increase blog traffic in no time to facilitate becoming a popular blogger
Blog followers: get a value gift for lifelong free use
Sponsor: get its products promoted and advertised.
-Submit your blog to many search engines and pages:
Submission is also a factor unallowable to be neglected, so an equally important step is Submitting personal blog to proper places to win the popularity for your blog:
1. Submit personal blog to traditional search engines, such as Google and Alexa;
2. Submit personal blog to professional blog search engines, such as Amatomu and Bloglines;
3. Submit to various promotion platforms for blog, namely, convergence platform and login page especially for blogs.
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