Does Instagram Notify When You Screenshot a Story?

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Instagram Stories are a fun and popular way to share moments that disappear after 24 hours. Whether it's a quick snapshot, a behind-the-scenes video, or just something you want to share with your followers for a limited time, Stories offer a more casual way to post compared to regular feed posts. But what happens when you want to save that Story for later? Maybe you're thinking of taking a screenshot. Here’s the question: Does Instagram notify the person who posted the Story if you take a screenshot? In this article, we'll clear up that mystery and explain how Instagram handles screenshots in Stories and why it might not be as private as you think.
How Instagram Stories Work
Instagram Stories have become one of the platform's most beloved features. The concept is simple: users post photos or videos that are visible to their followers for just 24 hours. Once the time runs out, the content disappears—almost like it was never there. This sense of impermanence is what makes Stories unique, offering a more spontaneous and casual way to share moments.
You can post a wide variety of content in a Story, from photos and videos to polls, quizzes, and even interactive question boxes. Since Stories are temporary, they encourage users to share more personal or fleeting moments without the pressure of curating the perfect post. Plus, they can be seen by anyone who follows you, unless you've set your account to private or chosen specific people to view the content.

While Stories are designed to vanish, there's one thing they can't stop: people screenshotting them. This leads to a lot of questions about privacy and what happens when someone takes a screenshot of your Story. So, let's dive into whether Instagram actually notifies you when someone does just that.
Does Instagram Notify When You Screenshot a Story?
Now that we know how Instagram Stories work, let's address the burning question: Does Instagram notify the person who posted a Story when you take a screenshot?
The short answer is no—Instagram does not currently notify users when someone takes a screenshot of their Story.[1] This means that you can screenshot a Story without the poster being alerted. You might be wondering, "So, why do people always ask about it?" Well, Instagram did briefly experiment with a screenshot notification feature a while back, but it was quickly removed.[2]
In the past, Instagram users would get a notification when someone took a screenshot of their disappearing Stories. However, Instagram found that this feature created more confusion and unnecessary notifications, so they decided to scrap it. As of now, users are free to take screenshots without worrying about triggering any kind of alert to the original poster.
It's worth noting that while Instagram doesn't notify users about screenshots of Stories, the platform does notify users about screenshots of disappearing messages in direct chats, but that's a whole other topic. For now, if you're screenshotting a Story, you can rest assured that the person who posted it won't be notified.
The History of Instagram's Screenshot Notifications
While Instagram doesn't currently notify users when someone takes a screenshot of their Story, this wasn’t always the case. In fact, Instagram did experiment with a screenshot notification feature in the past, causing quite a stir among users.
Back in 2018, Instagram introduced a brief trial period where users were notified if someone took a screenshot of their Story. The notification would alert the poster with a small camera icon next to the name of the person who took the screenshot. This was a bold move by Instagram to give users more control over who was saving their content, and it quickly sparked discussions about privacy, sharing, and digital boundaries.
However, the feature didn't last long. After a mixed response from users, Instagram decided to pull the plug on the notification system. Many users felt that it was too intrusive, while others simply didn’t like the idea of their Stories being under constant surveillance. Ultimately, Instagram concluded that it didn’t align with the user experience they were aiming to create. In addition, the feature wasn’t fully effective, as people could still take screenshots without triggering notifications by using workarounds like third-party apps or taking photos with another device.
Instagram also realized that the temporary nature of Stories was key to their appeal—users were expected to post and share freely without the worry of permanent records. The removal of screenshot notifications helped return some of that freedom, allowing people to share more openly without the fear of being "caught" in the act of saving someone else's Story.
What About Screenshots in Direct Messages?
While Instagram doesn't notify users about screenshots of Stories, it does have a different policy when it comes to screenshots in direct messages (DMs). If you're thinking about screenshotting a disappearing message in a direct conversation, you should be aware that Instagram will notify the sender if you take a screenshot of a message that was sent in Vanishing Mode.
Vanishing Mode is a feature that allows you to send temporary messages that disappear once they’ve been viewed or after 24 hours. In this case, if you take a screenshot of a message or photo sent in Vanishing Mode, Instagram will alert the sender with a notification saying, "xxx took a screenshot".

If you screenshot a disappearing photo or video, a small circle icon will appear next to both your name and the sender's name.

However, it's important to note that this applies only to Vanishing Mode messages. Regular direct messages that aren't in Vanishing Mode don’t trigger notifications, even if you screenshot them. So, while Instagram gives users more control over temporary messages in DMs, it doesn’t have the same approach to Stories.
This difference highlights Instagram's varying levels of privacy and notification practices across different features on the platform. While Stories remain screenshot-friendly with no alerts, Vanishing Mode in DMs provides more immediate notification for users who want to ensure their disappearing content is truly temporary.
How to Save Instagram Stories Without Taking a Screenshot
Even though Instagram doesn't notify users when someone takes a screenshot of their Story, there are still many reasons why you might want to save a Story without resorting to a screenshot. Whether it’s because you want to keep the content for later or you just don't want to draw attention to the fact that you saved it, there are a few different ways you can save Instagram Stories without using your phone’s screenshot function.
1. Use Instagram's Built-In Save Feature
Instagram makes it easy to save Stories within the app itself. If you come across a Story you want to keep, simply tap the three dots in the bottom-right corner of the post and select "Save". This will add the Story to your Saved collection, which you can access through your profile. It's a great way to keep a record of Stories without alerting anyone.
2. Ask the Poster to Share the Content
If it's someone you know, don't hesitate to ask them to send you the content directly. Since Stories only last 24 hours, it can be tricky to save them in time, but if you have a connection with the poster, they may be willing to share it with you directly.
3. Third-Party Apps and Websites
There are also third-party apps and websites that allow you to download Instagram Stories to your device. These tools typically let you input the username of the account whose Story you want to save, and they will give you the option to download the Story to your phone or computer. Be aware that using these services may violate Instagram’s terms of use, and it’s important to respect the privacy of others when downloading content.
4. Screen Recording on Your Mobile Device
If you want to save a video Story without taking a screenshot, using your device's screen recording feature is a great alternative. Both iPhones and Androids have built-in screen recording options, allowing you to capture a Story without alerting the user. Just make sure your phone is set up to record the screen before you view the Story.
5. Screen Recording Instagram Stories on Your Computer
If you prefer using your computer to browse Instagram, you can still save Stories using screen recording software.
If you're on a Windows PC or Mac, you can use third-party screen recording software to capture Instagram Stories. For example, Winxvideo AI allows you to select a specific area of your screen (where the Story is displayed) and record it. It can capture both video and audio, so if the Story includes music or sound, you can save it as well.

Important Considerations:
- Respecting privacy: Always remember that while it's easy to save Stories, it's essential to respect the privacy of the person who posted the content. If they wanted to share something with you directly, they likely would have.
- Keep it legal: Downloading or distributing someone else's content without permission can lead to legal issues, especially if the content is copyrighted. Stick to saving content for personal use, and always ask for consent when possible.
By using these methods, you can keep your favorite Stories without the need for screenshots—and without anyone being notified.
1. Can you tell if someone screenshots your Instagram Story?
No, Instagram does not notify users when someone takes a screenshot of their Story. This feature was tested briefly in the past, but it was later removed. As of now, if someone screenshots your Story, you won’t receive any notification or alert.
2. Is there an app to see who screenshots your Instagram Story?
No, there is no legitimate app that can show you who has taken a screenshot of your Instagram Story. While some third-party apps claim to offer this feature, they are generally unreliable and may violate Instagram's terms of service. Instagram itself does not provide any functionality to track or reveal who has screenshot your Story, aside from certain notifications in Vanishing Mode for disappearing DMs.
3. What is Vanishing Mode on Instagram?
Vanishing Mode is a feature in Instagram Direct that lets you send temporary messages that disappear once they’ve been viewed or after 24 hours. If someone takes a screenshot of a Vanishing Mode message, Instagram will notify the sender with a "Screenshot taken" alert and display a small camera icon next to the name of the person who captured the content.
4. Are there any legal issues with saving or sharing Instagram Stories?
Yes, it's important to respect the privacy and intellectual property of others. Downloading, sharing, or distributing someone else’s content without their permission can lead to legal issues, especially if the content is copyrighted. Always ask for permission before reposting or sharing others' Stories.
5. How can I prevent someone from screenshotting my Instagram Story?
Currently, Instagram does not provide a way to block users from taking screenshots of your Stories. However, you can limit who views your Stories by adjusting your Privacy settings. You can choose to share your Story only with specific people or even hide it from certain users entirely.
In conclusion, while Instagram doesn't notify users when someone takes a screenshot of their Story, there are other ways to save or capture content on the platform—whether you're using built-in features, third-party tools, or screen recording options. It’s important to remember that while Instagram offers flexibility for saving content, respecting the privacy of others should always be a priority. If you're saving Stories, be mindful of the content's owner and their rights, especially when it comes to copyrighted material.
Instagram's policies regarding screenshots and notifications have evolved over time, and while you can now save a Story without triggering any alerts, it's always a good idea to use these features responsibly. Whether you're using your phone or computer to save a Story, the methods provided here give you several ways to keep content for personal use without causing unnecessary notifications.
- "Instagram is no longer notifying users when you screenshot their story". Yahoo. June 15, 2018
- "Instagram is supposedly testing a feature that tells you when someone's recorded your story". Mashable. January 23, 2018